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《热辣滚烫》,那天看的时候我睡着了小半个小时,说实话除了贾玲减肥本身有点意思,搞笑的部分过了也差不多忘了,其他部分并没有什么给我留下深刻印象的地方。相反,另一部类似题材的电影,史泰龙的《洛奇》,那才是真正的经典 :ac_classic24:

新版的 clash verge 做的挺好看的呀,真的比以前那个 cfw 好用多了

谁去给这位兄弟普及一下国际金融的常识 :ac_classic01:

我为什么要看小米的发布会啊,看这个女的在上面自 high 真是叫人尴尬,要是雷总绝对不会🥲

推荐一个国产Rouge like的ARPG游戏:苍翼 混沌效应

昨天看到这个游戏的 开发公司破产解散,但是开发者还在继续更新 的事情后决定买一个支持一下,没想到游戏质量这么高,游戏整体完成度极高,操作手感极佳,我一晚上打了快四个小时 :bili_tv_dianzan:

王小美 boosted
王小美 boosted

火瀑布,优胜美地国家公园,加利福尼亚州,美国 (© Gregory B Cuvelier/Shutterstock)

Grow Your Own Services 🌱  

Fediverse/Mastodon Admins,

If your server is suffering from the recent spam attacks, there's a list of servers you might want to limit/block here:


(This blocklist is maintained by @ErikUden, I heard about it from @dannekrose 🙏)

Site above includes downloadable lists you can import to your server's existing blocks. If you've never imported a blocklist before, there are instructions for Mastodon imports here:


#FediAdmin #MastoAdmin

王小美 boosted

Fediverse/Mastodon Admins,

If your server is suffering from the recent spam attacks, there's a list of servers you might want to limit/block here:


(This blocklist is maintained by @ErikUden, I heard about it from @dannekrose 🙏)

Site above includes downloadable lists you can import to your server's existing blocks. If you've never imported a blocklist before, there are instructions for Mastodon imports here:


#FediAdmin #MastoAdmin

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