I want to see TypeScript ported to Haskell, not Go 😭

Then I can flex in front of my front-end friends who have no idea what currying is :bili_2233_weiqu:

Gavin Zhao boosted

@mashiro @peecatboo 怪不得,我也出现过这样的问题,现在明白了!

@peecatboo 我的罗技K270:孩子们,这并不好笑

Gavin Zhao boosted

@thisemailfindsyou Unfortunately I'm still the oddest person in the room right now.

Gavin Zhao boosted

Framework Desktop真给我看心动了,坐等打折!

只可惜CPU是焊上去的不能换,不然我想淘一个两三代以前的32或64核的服务器CPU接上去,像之前就看到过一个32核AMD Epyc 7551不到八百软妹币。作为一个packager,频率只要在2.0GHz以上我都能接受,线程少才是真的头疼。

Gavin Zhao boosted

Introducing our new product category, the Framework Desktop! This is a tiny, 4.5L machine with massive performance inside using AMD’s new Ryzen AI Max processors, an awesome machine for gaming, workstation, and AI crunching! Pre-orders are open now.


Gavin Zhao boosted

Bringing this highly requested feature to #Mastodon and the fediverse is not as trivial as some might think, but quote posts are coming. Here is our latest write-up about our progress:


@233mc44 试试claude,据说是目前编程能力最好的模型。

Gavin Zhao boosted
Gavin Zhao boosted

who needs the National Science Foundation when you have a Nice Soft Feline

@mashiro 百分比自动止损和止盈,你值得拥有 :bili_emoji_doge:

Gavin Zhao boosted
Gavin Zhao boosted
Gavin Zhao boosted
Gavin Zhao boosted
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