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@anicasts This is so true and sad. I have almost one TB of anime that I have downloaded but yet to get through them, and the size of that folder is just getting larger and larger as I add more to the collection when every season finishes :bili_2233_daku:

Gavin Zhao boosted
Gavin Zhao boosted
Gavin Zhao boosted

It's INTERNATIONAL CAT DAY and that's our olympics!

Give your cat an extra cuddle today and if you don't have one – have a heart – and go pet that shaggy stray alley cat! Lord Nibbles will be proud of you and might spare you from eternal damnation.

@233mc44 啊?!笔电玩家羡慕了,我的AMD感觉都能烧水了 :bili_2233_tuhun:

Gavin Zhao boosted

@yoshino 只能说不要为了便携而去买游戏本,因为带着沉重(电脑和充电器都很重,我的包里一装基本上就占了接近一半的空间了),而且续航非常差。

Gavin Zhao boosted

"hey what version of windows are you running" uh give me a sec

Gavin Zhao boosted
Gavin Zhao boosted

Mastodon is the world's biggest community of people who deeply love computers and also think that the world would probably be better off without computers

Gavin Zhao boosted
Gavin Zhao boosted
Gavin Zhao boosted
Gavin Zhao boosted

Mastodon powers over 9,000 different fediverse servers and is used by around a million people every month, but did you know the core engineering team is just two people? Well, I'm delighted to announce that now it's three people! Welcome to the team, @dave!

Gavin Zhao boosted
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