@anicasts This is so true and sad. I have almost one TB of anime that I have downloaded but yet to get through them, and the size of that folder is just getting larger and larger as I add more to the collection when every season finishes
Perseid Meteors over Stonehenge
Image Credit & Copyright: Josh Dury
@233mc44 啊?!笔电玩家羡慕了,我的AMD感觉都能烧水了
@yoshino 只能说不要为了便携而去买游戏本,因为带着沉重(电脑和充电器都很重,我的包里一装基本上就占了接近一半的空间了),而且续航非常差。
@233mc44 都买AMD了,不考虑用一下Linux吗
@mashiro Angular,拒绝一切花里胡哨
Holy shit! Why doesn’t every screenshot app work like that?
UPD: app is https://flyingmeat.com/acorn/
@terra 妮芙可爱捏
@mashiro Rime的含金量还在上升!
@ycxt 配速6分13,可以啊
Mastodon powers over 9,000 different fediverse servers and is used by around a million people every month, but did you know the core engineering team is just two people? Well, I'm delighted to announce that now it's three people! Welcome to the team, @dave!
history = (λx. x x) (λx. x x)
When life gives you lemons, don't make lemonade. Make life take the lemons back! Get mad! I don't want your damn lemons, what the heck am I supposed to do with these?