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Gavin Zhao boosted

Just wrapped up grading for grad compilers! It was a ton of fun, and I hope to keep iterating and improving the course! hat tip to @adrian for the Bril infrastructure which I (ab)used for this course!

Some students have opted to make their final projects public on the course website, so check them out! I know some of them are looking for compilers jobs, so if you're looking for compilers people, check here!

@mashiro 川普:孩子们别怕,等我上任了一切都会好起来的 :bili_emoji_doge:

@yingjun 没什么不舒服的就好。我是戴硬性镜的,有时候摘的时候用力过猛了哪怕没出血都能检查出角膜受损 :bili_emoji_weiqu: 一般的软性隐形眼镜估计会好不少,不过建议有空还是去看一下喵

@yingjun 这最好还是去检查一下吧,如果角膜有受损修复不及时的话会很麻烦的。

考完试后感慨,我经常能在学期最后一次考试拯救自己的绩点于水火之中,但至于为什么在水火之中,你别问 :bili_emoji_daku:

作者:MAN! What KAN I say? MAMBA OUT!

Gavin Zhao boosted
Gavin Zhao boosted

#Pixelcities: Rain in Tokyo.

I'm very pleased that within two weeks I managed to turn the sketches into full-fledged pixel art images and start the #Pixelcities series. Let's see how it goes further :)

#Tokyo #Japan #street #digitalart #pixelart #8bit #painting #digitalpainting #fediart #MastoArt #Krita

Gavin Zhao boosted

Honestly, we are currently out of ideas on how to restore access to

We are fighting with extreme traffic and high load for several hours now, we have done the typical procedure to identify and block misbehaving AI crawlers.

However, we are currently having a hard time figuring out details about the ongoing high traffic situation.

Gavin Zhao boosted
Gavin Zhao boosted
Gavin Zhao boosted
Gavin Zhao boosted

S14四强晋级赛GENG vs FLY 



Gavin Zhao boosted
in the client meeting. straight up "smashing it". and by "it", haha, well. let's justr say. the £12,000 LED video wall
Gavin Zhao boosted

I bet my girlfriend that this picture of our cats could get 10 billion boosts on Mastodon.

She said she doesn't believe me. She said there's only 15 million accounts on Mastodon. She said there aren't even 10 billion people on Earth. She said it concerns her that I struggle to comprehend large numbers.

Let's prove her wrong everyone. Boost away and show her just how awesome the Mastodon community is.

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