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Gavin Zhao boosted

It's INTERNATIONAL CAT DAY and that's our olympics!

Give your cat an extra cuddle today and if you don't have one – have a heart – and go pet that shaggy stray alley cat! Lord Nibbles will be proud of you and might spare you from eternal damnation.

Gavin Zhao boosted
Gavin Zhao boosted

"hey what version of windows are you running" uh give me a sec

Gavin Zhao boosted
Gavin Zhao boosted

Mastodon is the world's biggest community of people who deeply love computers and also think that the world would probably be better off without computers

Gavin Zhao boosted
Gavin Zhao boosted
Gavin Zhao boosted
Gavin Zhao boosted

Mastodon powers over 9,000 different fediverse servers and is used by around a million people every month, but did you know the core engineering team is just two people? Well, I'm delighted to announce that now it's three people! Welcome to the team, @dave!

Gavin Zhao boosted
Gavin Zhao boosted

I found a guide for handwritten markup notes, it has all the ones that I didn’t remember lol

Gavin Zhao boosted
Gavin Zhao boosted
"is my ISO too high or is my cat radioactive"
"hang on let me turn it down"

"yeah no my cat's just radioactive"
Gavin Zhao boosted
Gavin Zhao boosted

Just pushed the brand-new @buddiesofbudgie #Budgie Desktop 10.9.2 to the @Solus Unstable repository! It will reach all #Solus Budgie users with the next sync. Awesome stuff, everyone!

Gavin Zhao boosted
Please boost if your immediate circle contains fediverse developers outside of Mastodon.

I'm trying to determine the scope of support for the Mastodon's platform "Move Account" activity across the fediverse. We intend to use this in the relatively near future to convert all of the streams repository's ActivityPub facing accounts to nomadic digital identities - without losing all of our ActivityPub friends in the process.

I'm certain we'll find a number of fediverse projects that don't support this activity and will require manual re-friending. If you have knowledge of any platforms which don't - please reply with the platform name so that this procedure is well documented and we don't have a lot of surprises and missing friends.  Thanks.
Gavin Zhao boosted

I feel like surely people on this network would appreciate knowing that the BBC sound effect library, from which you may freely download, has 716 distinct recordings of clocks specifically

Gavin Zhao boosted
Gavin Zhao boosted
Gavin Zhao boosted

#ScientificAmerican recently reprinted an interview I had a few months ago on the future of proof assistants and #AI in #math: . In it, I made the following assertion:

"I think in the future, instead of typing up our proofs, we would explain them to some #GPT. And the GPT will try to formalize it in #Lean as you go along. If everything checks out, the GPT will [essentially] say, “Here’s your paper in #LaTeXmath; here’s your Lean proof. If you like, I can press this button and submit it to a journal for you.” It could be a wonderful assistant in the future."

This statement seems to have received a mixed reception, in particular it has been interpreted as an assertion that mathematicians would be become lazier and sloppier with writing proofs. I think the best way to illustrate what I mean by this assertion is by a worked example, which is already within the capability of current technology. At I have a moderately tricky problem in complex analysis. In , I explained this problem and its solution to #ChatGPT in an interactive fashion, and after the proof was explained, GPT was able to provide a LaTeX file of the solution, which one can find at . GPT performed quite well in my opinion, fleshing out my sketched argument into quite a coherent and reasonably rigorous full proof. This is not 100% of what I envisioned in the article - in particular the rigorous Lean translation in order to guarantee correctness is missing, which I think is an essential requirement before this workflow can be used for research quality publications - but hopefully will illustrate what I had in mind with the quote.

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