@mashiro Attaching a recorded video with better explanation for littlefo.rest/public. I'm not logged in to the site.

@mashiro Apologies but disturbing you again. The public posts are not visible even though I have enabled Allow unauthenticated access to public timeline.
Link to my site’s public timeline: mizo.social/public. It’s all empty even though there are two public posts.

Hello @mashiro I just installed your fork at mizo.social but it says *None* for ADMINISTERED BY (Picture 1). It's strange since I created the admin user (Picture 2).
Could you please help and let me know what to do? This is my 2nd attempt with my installation.
你好@mashiro 你好我刚刚在 mizo.social 上安装了你的叉子,但它说 *None* for ADMINISTERED BY(图 1)。这很奇怪,因为我创建了管理员用户(图 2)。

Hello I just installed your fork at mizo.social but it says *None* for ADMINISTERED BY. It's strange since I created the admin user (2nd pic). Could you please help and let me what to do? This is my 2nd attempt with my installation.

你好,我刚刚在 mizo.social 安装了你的叉子,但它说*无*用于管理者(图1)。这很奇怪,因为我创建了管理员用户(图2)。

QT: [hello.2heng.xin/@mashiro/10871]

的 mastodon fork 增加了自定义 LOGO 支持,使用说明如下:

步骤一:制作自己的 LOGO

制作 LOGO,并放入 ./design/你的自定义字段名/ 下,相关设计素材和参考都在里面,尽量保证长宽比与原版一致。app icon 建议参考 Apple 的桌面图标设计规范:1024x1024px的图标,设置100px的margin,179.649px的圆角,padding可自己决定。mastodon 原版的正方形图标添加为桌面快捷方式后会非常的丑陋!

处理两个 logo-symbol 的时候注意将代码调整为图中的结构,填充了currentColor 的 path 会跟随背景色深浅生成黑色和白色两组图标,参考 /about 页面顶部的 LOGO。


复制 ./lib/tasks/branding_forest.rake 到同一文件夹下,把新文件的文件名和文件中的 _forest 字段替换成你的你的自定义字段名。


# macOS
brew install imagemagick librsvg

# ubuntu
apt install imagemagick librsvg

运行:RAILS_ENV=development rails branding_forest:generate_forest 字段替换成你的自定义字段名。

步骤三:修改 mastodon 配置文件


