
发现一个坑爹的问题,tootctl media remove会同时把本站用户旧的媒体文件也删掉?一个月前的图全都没了 :catshocked:
我一直以为这个命令只是清理缓存的外站媒体文件,所以设置了crontab每天执行一次 :catgasp:

@mayaeh yep, but it's really strange that local media older than one month were gone. I've restored a backup, and more investigation will be done on this issue :catthink:

@mashiro It's a strange and tragic issue... 😭
It's great that you have a backup!
I would like to know if you find something in the survey.

@mayaeh np. it could be a long turn issue. I guess the media files I just restored were not tracked on database, so I need another one month to do investigation :weibo_d_erha:

@mashiro 看着日益猛增的数据,我还想着 crontab 每天执行一次了 :8091:

@lrtg 暂时不建议了,等我再观察一个月

@lrtg 上次加那个cache schema感觉他们就没好好测试过,估计这次也是关联问题

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