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Gavin Zhao boosted
Gavin Zhao boosted

Week 8 of the #AniMangaFoundIt #AniMangaPictureChallenge is complete. And a cozy week it was as we explored the colors and temps of Fall in #anime.

@BongoMcnulty - SuperCub
@anicasts - Your Lie In April
@Ragashingo - 86 Eighty-Six
@chikorita157 - Slow Loop
@socks - Yuru Camp
@Tatsumeg - Spice & Wolf (2008)
@literalgrill - Weird Volunteers

Thanks to everyone who participated!

Want to submit a topic? Just send a private message to @apc and we'll find you a slot.

New topic tomorrow morning.

@233mc44 我也想去,可惜我的所有技能基本上都跟游戏行业不沾边 :bili_2233_daku:

最近在推galgame,key社的summer pockets

一晚一条线,晚晚睡不着!快给我刀傻了,这玩意儿真不适合睡前推,助眠还得是废萌柚子社 :bili_2233_daku:

Gavin Zhao boosted

If IBM decides to merge Terraform and Ansible, would that be Terrible?

Gavin Zhao boosted

In my significant experience with numerous programming language designers, this is true of the best PL designers, too. (May not be true of one, but they may also not be one of the best. <-;) Their users are often far more tribal than them. [JD Souther:]

@mashiro 我认识的(做实体的)都不是这样的,工资是运营成本的很大一部分,甚至超过房租。

@literalkernel 我一直觉得想出snowflake的人真是一个小天才 :bili_emoji_xingxingyan:

@infobeautiful As a Chinese, I think Italian pasta is just fake noodles! Bruh have they ever even tried rice noodles?!

Gavin Zhao boosted
Gavin Zhao boosted
Gavin Zhao boosted

In light of the Internet Archive losing its appeal to hachette, I just wanted to point out some websites you should avoid:


If you were to download books from these websites, you might cut into hachette's more than three billion dollars of annual revenue. So make sure to avoid those websites and the following:

* ... or any of the other sites listed at


Gavin Zhao boosted
Gavin Zhao boosted

The world’s solar capacity reached 1,419 gigawatts in 2023, way beyond any predictions. 1 gigawatt = power for a medium sized city ☀️

@11abac 作为一个在宿舍/图书馆/教室三点一线的人,外面的天气?跟我有关系嘛?:pio_shake_head:

Gavin Zhao boosted

I hope this email finds you running round the garden being chased by a horny ram that had found its way in.

@BlueObserver 等一下,我记得你是第一次当老师吧?第一次就可以直接当班主任??

Gavin Zhao boosted

Astronomy Picture of the Day for Dec 25, 2023.
This beautiful image of the Basilica of Superga near Turin, Italy, framed by the peak of Monte Viso and a crescent moon behind it, was taken by Valerio Minato 10 days ago, after 5 unsuccessful attempts over 6 years. It takes a lot of planning and some good fortune to capture such an image. The alignment occurs about once a year and the weather Gods have to smile.

Gavin Zhao boosted

Quick! What's 6 x 8? 7 x 6?
This heatmap shows the trickiest multiplications for kids aged 5-8. Love to see a similar study on adults to see how they compare! #dataviz

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