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Gavin Zhao boosted
Gavin Zhao boosted
Gavin Zhao boosted
Gavin Zhao boosted

“When drivers fail to yield for pedestrians, it’s not because they can’t see them, it’s because they don’t care.” Kudos to @VisionZeroYVR for this brilliant intervention. #TheWarOnCars

Gavin Zhao boosted

Do you want to stop "supply chain compromises" as a company? Here's a very simple way to do so: pay a stipend to a maintainer of something you depend on.

You don't really need dependency tracking tools. You don't need to exactly parcel out the 'right' proportionate amount of money to every maintainer. All of that operational complexity is unnecessary.

It doesn't even matter *which* maintainer you pick, as long as it's one who isn't receiving a stipend yet, and you pay them enough to constitute a salary.

It will cost you exactly one developer salary. If every able company does this, the problem of supply chain compromises is solved tomorrow.

All you need to do is simply *do it*, and talk about it so that other companies will too.

Gavin Zhao boosted

If you had code on GitHub at any point it looks like it might be included in a large dataset called “The Stack” — If you want your code removed from this massive “ai” training data go here:

I found two of my old Github repos in there. Both were deleted last year and both were private. This is a serious breach of trust by Github and @huggingface.

Remove all your code from Github.


Edit — thanks for all the replies. More context here:

Also the repos i found of mine i’m sure were private, but even if they were public at some point, for a brief time, in the past that isn’t my consent to use them for purposes beyond their intent.

Edit 2 -- I see this made it to HN, which is a level of attention I do not want nor appreciate....

For all those wondering about the private repo issue -- No, I am not 100% sure that these ancient repos weren't at some point public for a split second before I changed it. I do know that they were never meant for this and that one of them didn't even contain any code.

If my accidentally making a repo public for a moment just so happened to overlap with this scraping, then I guess that's possible. But it in no way invalidates the issues, and the anger that i feel about it.

Gavin Zhao boosted
Gavin Zhao boosted

Some of you know today as π-day.

But the real insiders know that today is the 30th anniversary of the 1.0 release of Linux.

Gavin Zhao boosted

Here is my latest demo made with #animationFractal , a Haskell Vulkan powered engine. I used smoother modulations this time, hope you'll like it!

Gavin Zhao boosted

Hey look at that, world's first baremetal instalation of Serpent OS

Gavin Zhao boosted
Gavin Zhao boosted

Sandy Gottesman是伯克希尔早期投资者,2022年96岁去世。

去世前,留了一笔钱告诉他的妻子——现年93岁的爱因斯坦医学院前教授Dr. Ruth Gottesman——你觉得这钱怎么花合适就怎么花。


美国私立医学院的四年学费,一般在20万到30万美元之间。 加上四年大学,差不多要40-60万美元左右。

Gavin Zhao boosted
Gavin Zhao boosted

大半夜的,被那个 spam 图片搞的想吃午餐肉了

Gavin Zhao boosted

OpenAI: (chews on dataset)
World: what’s that in your mouth?
OpenAI: (chews faster)

Gavin Zhao boosted

AMDGPU LLVM Adding GFX 9/10/11 "Generic Targets" To Build Once & Run On Multiple GPUs

Code merged today to mainline LLVM is preparing for the notion of generic targets across the GFX9, GFX10, and GFX11 GPU families. With follow-on work these generic targets are aiming to allow compiling code once and then running across multiple GPUs in the given hardware family...

Gavin Zhao boosted

the trouble with writing is that it's literally always easier to lie on the floor making seal noises

Gavin Zhao boosted

Heya, folks! We want to start the new year off right, and what better way to do that than a new Solus release? That's right, Solus 4.5 Resilience is now available to everyone! A ton of work has gone into this release, including a new installer with #Calamares, and a new #XFCE Edition!

Blog post:
Downloads page:

#Solus #Linux #OpenSource #foss #Resilience

- Evan

Gavin Zhao boosted

Like when I can’t get Rust to work it’s usually because it’s stopping me from doing something dumb, whereas when I can’t get C to work it’s always because it has allowed me to do something extremely dumb.

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Gavin Zhao boosted
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