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My fellow Cascadians, the videos of the talks from our meet-up last week are now available! 🥳
Check the playlist out, enjoy the incredible talent of
@5t3ph, @cassiecodes and @argyleink and please SMASH that subscribe button!

SVG Daily Tip #17
By animating the viewBox of your SVG, you can create a camera effect 🎥
x & y, make the camera moves.
width & height, make the camera zoom.
Animation & source code:

Louis Hoebregts: SVG Daily Tip #16
You can use JavaScript to know the length of an SVG path with the method getTotalLength.
Very useful for hand drawing animations✍️
Animation & source code:

.logo {
display: flex;
place-items: center;
gap: .5ch;
font-size: 20vmin;
.logo > img {
max-block-size: 1.25em;
🤩 logo img height is 125% of a responsive font-size (20vmin) letter M.. relative units are so cool!

Proportional Resizing with CSS Variables by @shadeed9
.rect {
–size: 186px;
–aspect-ratio: 2.35;
width: var(–size);
height: calc(var(–size) / var(–aspect-ratio));

oh hey, the @toolsday podcast’s latest episode covers new and experimental
and who doesn’t need more @Una and @chrisdhanaraj in their feed, subscribe if you haven’t 🙆‍♀️

Try to build your idea with HTML and CSS and JavaScript and see how far you get. Just Google every single thing you don’t know. Start with “how to make a HTML page” Then “how to make text colored in HTML”. Then “how to make a button in HTML”
Great advice in Makebook by @levelsio

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