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The new "Learn CSS" resource on Google sports 23 chapters written by pros like @piccalilli_, @rachelandrew, @una, @rob_dodson and @argyleink.

See how close @jh3yy gets to making the Peter Griffin CSS meme *in* CSS with a "resize hack" using container queries.

RT Chrome Developers
⭐ Want to level up your web styling expertise?
This course breaks down the fundamentals of CSS into digestible, easy to understand pieces. Learn the Core aspects of CSS and how to use them.
Get started →

An attempt to "pin" audio to play seamlessly between page loads in WordPress.

RT Sara Soueidan
This workshop might be of interest to many of you. It's free and led by @argyleink — who's only probably the most prolific CSS person I know.
Sign up ⬇️
Adam Argyle:  is online and free for everyone! May 18-20 🎉
I'll be giving a 1hr workshop on "Building User Adaptive Interfaces"
✅ accessibility
✅ color theming
✅ media queries
✅ logical properties
✅ adaptive layouts
✅ respectful motion
Register 👉

A wonderful and unabashed love letter to HTML and CSS penned by @ashleykolodziej

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