三咲智子 Kevin Deng: I'm developing a Web client based on Nuxt 3! 🌟
Working with Nuxt team @antfu7 @patak_dev @danielcroe ! 😆 They're sooooooo amazing!

:sys_twitter: twitter.com/2hengxin/status/15

@mashiro Be a fan of something at least 😂 Northeast.one's Explore still doesn't work :02sad:

@mashiro Comment from the author of Sidekiq

Please don’t use sidekiq with a concurrency higher than 25. You will just slow things down.

Link: old.reddit.com/r/rails/comment


@jsailo look P1, nornally there should be 0 in "Enqueued", if your sidekiq threads are not enough, than it will quickly reach a large amount. To increase the thread, you should also increase the postgress db pool number, and also, take care of the memory usage (p2)

· Edited · · Web · 1 · 0 · 1

Thanks @mashiro.

How do I do this?

To increase the thread, you should also increase the postgress db pool number, and also, take care of the memory usage

@jsailo edit postgresql.conf, change max_connections

@mashiro Thanks!

Q1: How do I calculate the optimum value of max_connection for my server? Google it? Or you have an idea?

Q2: Need to run all those RAILS_ENV=production ...precompile commands after that?

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