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@IMALOSU 你这个预告完全勾到我了,争取今晚看!


Damned if you do: social media and content moderation

Twitter’s chief executive, Jack Dorsey, will probably be unable to avoid appearing before the Senate Judiciary Committee on Friday. The committee, which has a Republican majority, votes today on whether to summon him. Lindsey Graham, its chair, thinks Twitter censored a news story alleging sleazy behaviour by Hunter Biden, the son of the Democratic presidential nominee. Mr Dorsey says Twitter initially blocked links because it suspected materials for the story were hacked. It later allowed the story to be shared, but the hearings are sure to be fiery and wide-ranging. Twitter, Facebook and YouTube have been blocking or putting warning labels on politically explosive content more often: unfounded warnings about voting by mail (some spread by President Donald Trump); QAnon, a lurid conspiracy theory; anti-vaccine misinformation; and more. Silicon Valley’s social-media companies began with the dream that information wants to be free; they seem not to have prepared for how misinformation does, too.

content moderation:内容审核

Senate Judiciary Committee: 参议院司法委员会








wide-ranging: 覆盖面广的,内容广泛的

explosive: 易爆炸的,易冲动的,爆炸性的,暴躁的

Qanon: 美国的一个极右(far-right)阴谋理论,它声称美国政府已被一只幕后黑手(deep state)所操纵,而该黑手的所作所为,都是与美国总统特朗普为敌。

lurid: 花哨的,(故意地)骇人听闻的


Silicon Valley: 硅谷

家里快递柜有一个大箱子等着我开 箱,但我必须在公司加班监播😂


@apatite :ac_classic10: 我刚从爱豆那里获得了学力量,抵消了抵消了

Parallel universe: China’s growth

A post-pandemic recovery feels like a distant dream for much of the world. China is the big exception. Not only is its economy growing, but it has nearly returned to its pre-covid pace. Data published today will show that GDP in the third quarter probably expanded by about 5% compared with a year earlier. Until vaccines are rolled out, other countries will struggle to match China’s feat. It got one critical thing right: by almost entirely stamping out the virus, it has been able to allow activity to resume with few restrictions in place. Schools are fully open, factories are running at full tilt and shopping malls are bustling. China is also fortunate in one critical dimension: as a continent-sized economy, it is better insulated from weak global demand than smaller countries such as New Zealand that have also done a good job of containing covid-19.

parallel: 平行的,并行的

post-pandemic: 流行病后

pace: 速度 节奏,步伐

with a year earlier: 较早一年

vaccine: 疫苗

roll out: 铺开,展开

feat: 成就,功绩

stamp out: 消灭,根除

at full tilt: 全速地,全力地

bustling: 繁忙的

dimension: 纬度,方面

continent-sized: 广大规模的

insulate: 使隔绝,使免除


@mashiro 关于弹周边的贴子刚才我也看到删了,但是整个事情已经有点转向了【捂脸】

@mashiro 封杀弹?限韩令到现在都没解开,他们的周边在国内,除了三星限量版手机在开卖时卖过一阵之外就没有了,他们的代言广告图视频在国内也基本没上。还能咋封杀 :ac_classic10: 之前的事情外交部的态度也是友谊和平。所以还能怎么封杀?

@mashiro 而韵达点赞那个视频和他这件事根本没有关系。

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