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This is a super niche blog post. But it's been on my list forever to write down because this caused me grief for far too long.

A BUNCH of good ideas ideas from @atiehempenius and @una. Good performance is good for lots of reasons, even if the SEO angle of CWV isn't compelling to you.

I got this exact question in an email the other day, and I thought it would make a nice blog post because of how wonderfully satisfying this is to do in CSS these day.

Might not come up often (or ever?) but Travis Almand has a few ways to distinguish between different types of "click" events.

I needed to select some elements between two fixed indexes the other day — like literally the second through fifth elements. Not complicated, but definitely a brain twister.

So, there are system colors and system fonts — doesn't that beg the question of what other system things there are?

Chapter 9 in @jay_hoffmann‘s ongoing History of the Web series is all about the communities that led right up to this tweet you’re reading right now.

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